Benefit From Being Active On Forums

If you spend a lot of time replying to posts on forums, or if you like to create various threads, it will be beneficial for you to learn how to make as much as possible from your involvement there. There are some tips that I would like to share with you today:

1. Visit only forums which are related to the topic of your blog. This will ensure that you might learn something useful while visiting a forum, and you may also meet some like minded people.
2. Post in the most popular threads. This way your response will be seen by many people.
3. Create new threads. Make sure you first have some interesting topic you wold like to discuss.
4. Try to be not completely anonymous. You can let others know that you are a blogger etc.
5. Make sure that there is some way to contact you like your blog’s URL or email address. However, make sure that you don’t give out your email address publicly, as this might result in spam.
6. Use catchy titles and keywords when creating a thread. Search engines will later index those threads and this way you might obtain valuable backlinks.

In the meanwhile, remember to have fun!


Filed under Technology

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