Monthly Archives: January 2010
January 30, 2010 · 11:13 am
While for many of us car travel is an obvious choice during a holiday season, some of us will opt for other ways to get to their preferred destination.
Below I would like to offer you a few alternatives that are worth considering. They might prove to be a better option than car travel.
-Planes. Traveling by plane has become much cheaper during the last couple of years. While planes are especially good if you want to travel long distances, you will never be able to enjoy the comfort and freedom you can experience while traveling in your own car. You will not be able to take as many belongings with you as you would like to, so make sure that you only take with you what you really need.
-Buses. If you do not mind traveling together with several dozens of people, you will enjoy traveling by bus. While traveling by bus will not give you the option to stop at any time you want it or to stretch your legs, at least you will not have to drive.
-Trains. While trains are not a popular choice among many travelers, many of us enjoy traveling that way. While many trains might not offer you the comfort your car can offer you, there is something very attractive about traveling by train.
January 21, 2010 · 9:02 am
Winning while gambling is possible and many people around the world make money at gambling. Winning at gambling depends on many things. There are some tips that can help you become a winner at gambling. If you keep them in mind, you are more likely to start winning.
-Before you start gambling, try to learn as many things about your opponents as possible. Are they fish or are they sharks? Are they casual gamblers or are they professional poker players? The more information about them you have, the better it is for you. If you know your opponents, you will know how to play accordingly.
-Do not play poker or any other games if you are desperate to win money. If you treat your gambling experience easy, you are more likely to make rational decisions while playing.
-Do not expect to win a lot of money. If you do not have high expectations, you will be happier with smaller amounts of money you are going to win. If you keep winning small amounts of money but you win often, you will eventually make money.
-Set limits while gambling. Do not invest more money than you are willing to lose. Always be aware what risk you take before gambling.
January 14, 2010 · 10:42 am
While for many of us traveling is a wonderful experience, many people have bad memories from their travels. The reason many of us might not enjoy traveling as much as other people do is that traveling can involve a lot of stress. Stress, however, can be avoided if a person knows what to do.
-If possible, always arrive at your airport, train station, or bus station early. It is always better to wait longer for your plane, train, or bus than to arrive late and have little time for check-in.
-Make use of lists while packing your belongings. Plan carefully what you are going to take with you.
-Make sure that you prepare enough snacks for your trip. While many planes will offer you a meal during your trip, do not rely on what they are going to offer. The longer the trip, the more food you are going to need. Do not forget about taking drinks with you. Looking for food and drinks while traveling can be frustrating, especially if you do not have enough time and travel during holiday seasons when many shops are closed. Pay special attention to food and drinks if you travel by bus. You will usually not be able to buy any food while traveling by bus. Traveling by plane or train will give you a limited option to buy food, so always be ready to take something with you before leaving home.
January 8, 2010 · 12:56 pm
Bluffing is something that makes the game of poker a lot more interesting. If you choose to bluff, you have a lot bigger chance to win and to make your opponents uncomfortable. Bluffing is part of playing poker. If you choose not to bluff, then you choose not to have fun while playing poker. If you are scared to bluff, here are some tips that can help you overcome your fear:
-Do not be afraid to bluff. Poker is just a game that you play for fun (unless you play for real money).
-If you decide to bluff, you need to be aggressive about it. You cannot change your mind straight after you bluffed, because nobody is going to fall for it.
-Do not be afraid of being caught bluffing once in a while. Nothing is wrong about it. If you get caught bluffing once in a while, your opponents will know that you might be bluffing. You can use it to your advantage.
-Don’t start bluffing too early. Bluffing is not effective if you start it too early before you see enough cards to start bluffing.
-Treat bluffing as a lot of fun. It will be fun if you want it to be fun.